
Responsible for the contents:

Werner Puff

Runggweg 16/B
I-39057 Girlan/Eppan (BZ)

Tel: +39 333 688 38 37

tax-nr. PFFWNR64M21A952U
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REA: BZ-144766

Links to external sites:

We have set up links to other Internet sites. The following applies to all these links. We have no control over the contents or the design of the linked sites. We accept no liability for the contents of Internet sites, to which the URL mentioned on our web pages refers.


© Live-Style Agency


© OKiS media design - Appiano - South Tyrol -

Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council
Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission:

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